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    The Secret to Getting More Ad Views Might Be Your Pet

    MarketingMarketing News

    Everything You Need To Know In Less Than 50 Words

    Cats and dogs can make an instant connection with your audience since most people love pets and gravitate to ads, memes, and videos that feature them. That surprising secret is the way you can get more out of your advertising dollar. 

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    If you’re spending money on advertising your business, large or small, understand that pets sell. A study published in the Journal of Marketing found that pets featured in advertising increase consumer interest. 

    Advertising for risk-taking ventures was most effective when featuring a man’s best friend, while prevention-related advertising performed best when featuring a cautious feline. 

    Cats and dogs can make an instant connection with your audience and that simple trick can help you get more out of your advertising dollar.

    People Love Pets 

    More than ever, Americans are including pets as part of their families. About 70 percent of U.S. households – some 90.5 million homes – include a pet. Dogs are the most popular pet, with 38.4 percent of U.S. households having at least one canine. About 25.4 percent of U.S. households have one cat or more.  

    Since 2020, pet adoption rates have risen, so Americans are likely to feel emotional connections to advertising that features dogs or cats that remind them of their own beloved pets.  

    Brand Mascots 

    It’s not by accident that large companies have adopted pets as mascots for their brands. For example, Target has featured a dog as its mascot, and Wells Fargo used a cat in its commercial advertising alerts to suspicious credit card activity. In 2020, Microsoft featured dogs in a holiday commercial, encouraging people to find joy in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

    In 2022, Chevrolet created an internet sensation with Walter, a cat who exhibited dog-like behavior such as swimming in a lake, digging holes, and chasing the mailman. Because pets make people feel good, are relatable, and in Chevrolet’s case, are humorous, they draw consumers’ attention and keep it. 

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      Cautious Cats, Frisky Dogs 

      To get the most from pets in advertising, researchers at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, University of South Carolina, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University say advertising should stick to stereotypes of pets. Dogs are exuberant and joyful risk-takers, making the Target dog a great mascot for shopping.  

      Chevrolet’s Walter ads are memorable because Walter looks like a gray tabby cat but exhibits all the dog stereotypes. This ad campaign goes against the advice of sticking to stereotypes but sells through a lovable cat and humor. 

      Pets Gone Viral 

      Advertising with pets can go viral, meaning that your advertising will reach beyond the target demographic, giving you greater impact and value for advertising dollars. Dogs and cats aren’t just cute – they sell. 

      Source: Entrepreneur

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