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    Guest Post

    About Adcore’s Blog

    Adcore’s blog is a hub for digital marketers and business owners throughout the marketing spectrum. Our readers can choose from a large variety of articles, news, and marketing information to satisfy their interest and curiosity at any level.


    Our Audience

    Our readers are a community of motivated and marketing-driven people with a broad spectrum of interests in the digital marketing atmosphere. They range from novice to advanced levels of experience and interest and come to Adcore to get the best source of information for all things digital marketing.


    Have something to write about? We’d love to hear it!

    Guest Post Content Guidelines


    1. All content must be ORIGINAL. Adcore will not accept content that is published on other websites, forums, social media networks, or duplicate content as guest posts.
    2. Once the post has been submitted to Adcore you may not publish it anywhere online, in part or in whole, including your own website or blog without prior written agreement/consent from our team.
    3. All information is accurate.  
    4. Posts must be at least 800 words in length.
    5. Article has a clear structure and niche-specific content.
    6. Paragraphs are broken up for ease of readability. (White space is your friend.)
    7. Tone of voice. Professional and acctuare, but friendly and inviting. Write how you would speak in a conversation. 
    8. When quoting others or providing information acquired from others the sources, quotations should be used accurately. 
    9. Adcore will acknowledge Post’s Guest Blogger authorship but will become the property of Adcore.
    10. All health and finance claims require direct links to the source, with Adcore Blog reviewing the final product for accuracy and standards.
    11. Guest Post writers can provide photo images that may or may not be used.
    12. The Guest Post writer must be the copyright holder of the image/video OR the image/video must be licensed under an appropriate creative commons license or in the public domain. Proof must be submitted along with any image/video showing that it does not infringe on copyright laws.
    13. All images/videos are provided with source credit.
    14. Adcore reserves the right to add its own links, affiliate or otherwise, where appropriate.
    15. Adcore Blog reserves the right to unpublish client content at any time for any reason. In the unlikely event that this occurs, the client will be reimbursed a prorated amount based on when the content was unpublished.
    16. Adcore Blog reserves the right to decline submissions if they do not meet conditions and standards of quality.
    17. All Guest Posts are reviewed and approved by Adcore prior to posting.
    18. Adcore reserves the right to edit Guest Posts where necessary.
    19. Adcore does not allow, and you as the contributor agree that you are responsible for, any legal transgressions including plagiarism or copyright infringement in the content provided.

    Ready to submit?

    Please be patient with us! While we appreciate your submission, we may not be able to respond to every single one. If your article is a good fit, someone will be in touch with you directly.

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