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    6 Powerful Ad Copy Tips: How to Write Effective Copy That Sells?

    Ads and CreativeContent MarketingMarketingPPCPPC Strategies

    If you’re a PPC specialist, you probably already know what NOT to write in ads given ad policies and restrictions. But have you ever been frustrated to see no results after doing all the necessary optimizations? Keep reading for tips and tricks on how to effectively write good PPC copy that actually sells.

    Navigating through the complex maze of crafting compelling and policy-compliant ad copy can sometimes be a perplexing endeavor, spurring even the seasoned specialists to seek additional help. Here, the expertise of EssayPro essay writing service can be invaluable, ensuring that your ad copy is not only adherent to all policies but also strikingly resonant with your target demographic, effortlessly melding regulatory compliance with strategic engagement to optimize your campaigns.

    How to Write Effective Copy That Sells?

    1. Highlight your USPs

    Before you start writing ads, take a moment to think about what you sell that makes you unique in the industry.

    Do you offer cheaper pricing than competitors? Do you sell something nobody else sells? Think about what differentiates you and HIGHLIGHT it in your ads! This will set you apart from the competition and get more eyeballs on your landing page.

    2. Put Yourself in the Shoes of Customers

    The first and best advice you can give anyone managing ads is to pretend you are your own ideal customer seeing this ad. Does the ad solve your problem? Does it make you want to click on it?

    Effective ads capture customers by directly solving their problem and giving them a quick and easy solution that addresses their needs. That’s where extensive research comes in handy. Understanding the customer is important to solving their problems.

    Find out what their pain points are and what you’re offering to alleviate this and solve their problem. Most importantly, don’t forget to add the keyword into your ad! (Not a rookie mistake – even experts forget sometimes).

    If you want to take your ads to the next level, try to one-up your customers by answering their objections in headlines. For example, is this product usually known to be pricey? Let people know it’s not as expensive as they think.

    Pro tip

    Use Dynamic Keyword Insertions (DKIs) in your headlines and even descriptions to ensure whatever the customer is searching is also showing up in your copy. This will draw more eyes to your ad. The more relevant the ad is to the keyword that is being searched the higher the CTR will be.

    Make them click! These are the best actionable tips for writing awesome ad copy. Let’s dive in.

    3. Positioning

    If you’re a digital ads expert, you probably already know that position matters. However, have you ever wondered what goes first, second or third? Don’t worry, we got you.

    Headline 1: The first headline is the main attention-grabbing one. It should directly address your customers search term and the messaging on your landing page

    Headline 2: Your USP and what differentiates you from competitors

    Headline 3: It’s not always shown so you can add your brand name here or other non-essential information

    Description 1: Try to include your keywords here and a call to action

    Description 2: The second description is not always shown. Try to include a second call to action here or answer customer questions.

    Display path: extremely underutilized part of ad building but still so valuable! A display path is what your user sees when your ad comes up on Google. Use this to highlight your prominent keywords. This will make it more enticing for customers to click on your ad – plus the Google algorithm likes it.

    4. Scan the Competition

    Use your top 5 keywords to see what other brands are doing:

    Step 1: Go to your keywords and figure out what your 5 best converting keywords are.

    Step 2: Go to Incognito mode on Google Chrome and type in your keywords into Google search

    Step 3: Find out what your competitors are doing

    Once you know what kind of ads you’re up against, it will help you figure out how to stand out from everyone else. Use this to your advantage to build ads that are better! Do this at least once a month to keep up to date with what others are doing.

    5. Search Vs. Display

    When it comes to Display ads, if you have good visuals, you’re 80% there. The remaining 20% is in the CTAs and text you use. Use your existing text ads to leverage your best-performing ads and highlight them in your display ads.

    Usually, visitors that come from Search ads tend to be warmer leads than visitors that come from Display. Keep this in mind when writing for display ads. It’s good to highlight any promotions here or things like free shipping and 24/7 servicing.

    6. Write like you’re Targeting a 9th Grader

    Unlike your high school essays, you won’t have to use a Dictionary here. Put the Thesaurus away! Use simpler words to engage with your customers – the simpler the better. Try to also reduce explanations to singular words and use active voice in your ads.

    Examples of active voice:

    Monkeys adore bananas.

    The cashier counted the money.

    The dog chased the squirrel.

    Examples of passive voice:

    Bananas are adored by monkeys.

    The money was counted by the cashier.

    The squirrel was chased by the dog.

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      Bonus: Best Performing Keywords

      Although keywords are specific to each industry and your ads’ success doesn’t purely rely on this, you can still use high-performing ads for inspiration.

      Research has shown that the terms below are commonly found in best performing ads (organized from most engaging to least):

      • Your
      • Free
      • Now
      • Get
      • Online
      • Our
      • Save
      • Best
      • Shipping
      • You

      Top-performing CTAs:

      • Get
      • Buy
      • Shop
      • Try
      • Learn
      • Build
      • Sign up
      • Discover
      • Click

      Now that you have a grasp on what you need to write good PPC copy that’s optimized for conversions, you can sit back and watch the sales come in! Just kidding… this is just the beginning! Read our other blogs to find out more on what you can do to optimize your ads for better results.

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