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    How To Create A Google Ads MCC

    Ad PlatformsGoogle AdsPPCPPC Basics

    If you manage multiple Google Ads accounts, it can be overwhelming to switch back and forth between each account. This is where a Google Ads MCC (Manager Account or My Client Center) comes in handy. With an MCC, you can manage multiple accounts under one umbrella account. In this article, we’ll take a detailed look at how to create and utilize a Google Ads MCC for an efficient campaign management strategy.

    Table of Contents

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    Understanding Google Ads MCC

    Before we dive into the creation process, let’s take a step back and understand what a Google Ads MCC is and the benefits of using it for managing multiple accounts.

    Google Ads is a powerful tool for businesses to advertise online and reach their target audience. However, managing multiple Google Ads accounts can be a daunting task. This is where Google Ads MCC comes in handy.

    What is Google Ads MCC?

    A Google Ads MCC, also known as a manager account, is a master account that allows you to manage multiple Google Ads accounts from a single dashboard. By linking individual accounts to an MCC, you can view and manage campaign performance data, analyze cross-account reports, and set shared budgets and billing. This allows you to manage all your accounts in one place and make quick adjustments to improve campaign performance.

    Google Ads MCC is a great tool for businesses that have multiple Google Ads accounts, such as agencies that manage accounts for multiple clients. It is also useful for businesses that have multiple product lines or services and want to keep their advertising campaigns separate.

    Benefits of using Google Ads MCC

    Some of the benefits of using a Google Ads MCC include:

    • Convenience: Access and manage multiple Google Ads accounts in one place. This saves time and effort in logging in and out of different accounts.
    • Efficiency: Make bulk edits like pausing or starting multiple campaigns at once. This is particularly useful for businesses that have a large number of campaigns to manage.
    • Shared billing: Create a shared budget for all accounts connected to the MCC, streamlining the payment process. This ensures that all accounts are paid on time and helps avoid any payment issues.
    • Insights: Analyze cross-account performance reports for an overview of campaign performance. This allows you to identify trends and make informed decisions on how to optimize your campaigns.
    • Control: With Google Ads MCC, you have full control over your accounts. You can grant access to team members or agencies and set different levels of access for each user.
    • Customization: You can customize your dashboard to suit your needs. You can create custom reports, add or remove columns, and set up alerts for important events.

    In conclusion, Google Ads MCC is a powerful tool for businesses that want to manage multiple Google Ads accounts efficiently. It provides convenience, efficiency, shared billing, insights, control, and customization. By using Google Ads MCC, businesses can save time and effort in managing their advertising campaigns and make informed decisions to improve campaign performance.

    Setting Up Your Google Ads MCC Account

    To create a Google Ads MCC, you first need to have a Google account. If you already have one, you can skip to the next section. If not, follow these steps to create an account:

    Creating a Google Account for MCC

    1. Go to the Google account signup page.
    2. Type in your first and last name, then choose a username and password.
    3. Enter your birthdate and gender, then click next.
    4. Enter your phone number to verify your account.
    5. Review and agree to Google’s terms of service and privacy policy.
    6. Click “Create Account.”

    Signing Up for Google Ads MCC

    Once you have a Google account, follow these steps to sign up for a Google Ads MCC:

    1. Go to the Google Ads MCC signup page.
    2. Click “Get Started.”
    3. Log in with your Google account information.
    4. Enter your company information and agree to the terms and conditions.
    5. Click “Create Account.”

    Navigating the Google Ads MCC Interface

    Once you’ve set up your Google Ads MCC account, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the interface. The MCC interface is similar to the standard Google Ads interface, with a few key differences.

    On the left-hand side of the dashboard, you’ll find a menu that allows you to access all your linked Google Ads accounts. You can click on individual account names to view campaign data and make changes. Additionally, you can create reports that include data from all linked accounts.

    Linking and Managing Client Accounts

    How to Link Existing Google Ads Accounts

    To link an existing Google Ads account to your MCC, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to your MCC account.
    2. Click “Link existing account” in the “Account” tab.
    3. Enter the Google Ads account ID and click “Send Link Request.”
    4. The client account owner must approve the request before the account is linked.

    Creating New Client Accounts

    If you’re creating a new account for a client, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to your MCC account.
    2. Click “Create new account” in the “Account” tab.
    3. Fill in the necessary information, such as account name, time zone, and currency.
    4. Click “Create Account.”

    Organizing Client Accounts in MCC

    With multiple client accounts linked to your MCC, it’s crucial to keep them organized. You can create labels to categorize accounts by client or industry. To do this, click on the “Labels” tab and create a new label by entering its name and description. You can then assign labels to individual accounts.

    Managing Client Account Access

    As the owner of the Google Ads MCC, you can control who has access to each client account. You can choose to give full access, read-only access, or email-only access. To manage account access, click on the “Account access” tab and select the account you want to make changes to.

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    Utilizing MCC Features for Efficient Campaign Management

    Cross-Account Reporting

    One of the most significant benefits of using a Google Ads MCC is the ability to analyze cross-account performance data. You can generate reports that include data from all accounts linked to the MCC, providing a bird’s eye view of overall campaign performance. This can help identify areas for improvement and better allocate budgets across campaigns.

    Cross-Account Conversion Tracking

    Similarly, cross-account conversion tracking allows you to monitor conversion data for all connected accounts. This is useful for clients with multiple stores or websites. You can track conversions and attribute them to specific campaigns to identify which campaigns are driving the most revenue.

    Bulk Editing and Management

    As mentioned earlier, an MCC account allows you to make bulk edits to campaigns across multiple accounts. This saves time and increases efficiency, especially for accounts with similar structures or targeting.

    Shared Budgets and Billing

    Another convenient feature of using a Google Ads MCC is shared budgets and billing. By creating a shared budget, you can allocate funds to all linked accounts at once. You can also streamline billing by using one credit card or payment method for all connected accounts.


    Creating a Google Ads MCC may seem daunting at first, but it’s a valuable tool that can streamline campaign management across multiple accounts. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily set up an MCC account and start taking advantage of the various features it offers. Improved efficiency, performance insights, and shared billing are just some of the benefits of using a Google Ads MCC. So why not give it a try?

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