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    Which Product Feed Format Should I Use?

    E-CommerceE-Commerce BasicsShopping Feeds

    Product feeds come in a variety of formats. XML, CSV, and TSV are all types of data feed file formats, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. Different platforms ask for different feed formats.

    So which format should you use? The short answer is Feeditor. Due to Feeditor’s support for all file types, it can import and export them all.

    When using Feeditor and exporting your feed, we do recommend using CSV (Comma Delimited) or TSV (Tab Delimited) formats, as they tend to create fewer issues when submitting them to e-commerce platforms such as Google Merchant or Facebook Catalog. 

    To export your feed from Feeditor, click “export” located on the left menu

    which feed format should I use

    You will find different formats available for feeds in Feeditor, which formats should you use?

    Select your preferred format from the drill-down menu:

    feed format
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