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    All Climate Change Misinformation and Disinformation Banned on Pinterest

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    Leading the change to prevent misinformation on its platform, Pinterest has declared itself the first digital platform to strongly define its stance against climate change misinformation clearly. All content, including ads found to be in breach of their updated community guidelines, will be removed. 

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    On April 6, 2022, Pinterest, one of the most popular social media sites that allow users to create idea boards and find creative solutions, announced they would be rolling out a new climate misinformation policy to remove information on the site that poses a danger to public health, safety, and trust. 

    Pinterest states in their press release that the unveiling of this specific policy makes it the first digital platform to specifically target disinformation about climate change and their set a detailed initiative to remove it. 

    The company gave a detailed breakdown at the rollout that will be available for anyone to read and posted in their community guidelines for members to reference when posting content. 

    Advertisers have specific guidelines regarding the content that Pinterest will not accept. Pinterest has always had the policy to review ads before accepting them for publication on the site.

    Pinterest announced they would be rolling out a climate misinformation policy to fight information that poses a danger to public health, safety, and trust.

    Policy Breakdown

    The newly added restrictions with this new policy all target climate change misinformation, specifically information and data that, if misused, could break trust with the public or threaten their safety. 

    In summary, to be considered acceptable, content posted on Pinterest must not: 

    • Deny the existence of climate change or downplay the impact climate change has on the earth. 
    • Imply that humans are not influencing climate change, 
    • Deliver misleading or fake information about climate change solutions that contradict or interfere with pre-existing scientific information.
    • Misrepresent scientific data by leaving out facts or warping statistics to suit a narrative for the publishers only agenda
    • Contain false information that seeks to misinform the public about safety emergencies like extreme weather events.

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      This update to their policy comes at a time when more green searches are happening than ever. Pinterest has always been a place to find ideas, strategies, and new concepts to address problems in everyday life. 

      For example, these green searches include ideas for recycling clothes, creating green products at home, reusing existing products, and ways of obtaining a greener and more environmentally-friendly lifestyle with less waste.  

      Pinterest didn’t develop the policy alone. They worked as part of a community effort with partnered experts from two leading organizations, the Climate Disinformation Coalition and the Conscious Advertising Network. 

      Both organizations have been innovators with long-standing histories of creating new ways to monitor and remove disinformation and misinformation online, including advertising. 

      Pinterest will continue its approach to a greener environment by adding new content that focuses on green lifestyles. They are doing so with content provided by a Creator Originals series from the U.S., Mexico, U.K., Germany, Australia, France, Brazil, Japan, Argentina, Indonesia, and India.

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