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    Intelligence Tests vs Emotional Intelligence Tests

    CareerSkills Development

    Psychologists have been administering intelligence tests for over a century despite their many limitations. Even Binet, co-creator of the first IQ test, warned that intelligence was too broad to label with one number. 

    Recently, psychologists began discussing emotional intelligence, giving rise to the emotional intelligence test. Many experts now accept that EQ is equally as important as IQ. Today, even hiring managers may ask prospective employees to take an emotional intelligence test to demonstrate their emotional intelligence and suitability for specific jobs.

    Before taking an IQ or emotional intelligence test, you must understand the uses and limitations of each. After reading this article, you will better understand the difference between these tests, their benefits, and how to improve your scores. 

    Table of Contents

    What Are Intelligence Tests and Emotional Intelligence Tests?

    Intelligence tests measure an individual’s intelligence quotient, a numerical value meant to describe cognitive abilities and potential. 

    These tests focus on planning, strategizing, learning, adapting, comprehending language, using logic to solve problems, and understanding abstract ideas. Most intelligence tests measure areas of functioning such as:

    • Mathematic skills
    • Language abilities
    • Visual-spatial processing
    • Memory
    • Reasoning
    • Comprehension
    • Ability to see relationships

    On the other hand, emotional intelligence tests measure an individual’s emotional intelligence quotient. This number shows the ability to perceive, control, evaluate, and express emotions. 

    Emotional intelligence tests may require self-reporting, an observation session, or both. These tests focus on the capacity to understand emotions and make decisions based on knowledge of emotions. Often, such tests measure the ability to:

    • Have self-awareness 
    • Empathize
    • Resolve conflicts
    • Communicate effectively
    • Use effective social skills
    • Adapt feelings and behaviors to suit multiple situations
    • Control impulses
    • Resist temptation
    • Delay gratification

    Intelligence and emotional intelligence can determine success in different aspects of life. For example, higher IQ scores are generally associated with more success academically, higher salaries, increased job performance, and healthy lifestyles.

    Meanwhile, people generally associate higher EQ scores with increased job success, relationship satisfaction, and better leadership abilities. 

    Who Should Use Intelligence Tests and Emotional Intelligence Tests?

    Individuals experiencing difficulties in school or work may benefit from an intelligence test. However, if their IQ score is low enough, a psychologist may order additional tests to find a diagnosis. 

    Intelligence tests may lead to diagnoses in developmental, cognitive, or learning differences such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, developmental disorders, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, gifted, or talented. 

    Hiring managers in many workplaces can benefit from using emotional intelligence tests. Individuals with higher EQ scores tend to make more capable leaders and work better with their peers. 

    Additionally, those who struggle with relationships and understanding emotions may benefit from an emotional intelligence test. A certified test can provide therapists with crucial information and help them work with a patient to improve several aspects of life. You can take a look here at some of the best IQ tests available.  

    Why Are Intelligence Tests and Emotional Intelligence Tests Important?

    Certified intelligence and emotional intelligence tests can help people better understand themselves. 

    When intelligence tests lead to a diagnosis, an individual can access additional support to aid success. For example, children diagnosed with learning disabilities can receive an IEP to allow them to reach their potential in school.

    Emotional intelligence tests, on the other hand, are especially beneficial in the workplace. Not only do people with high EQs achieve more success at work, but they also create a healthier work environment. 

    Individuals who take either test can also grow from the knowledge they receive. For example, a person with a low IQ may increase their IQ by doing crossword puzzles, reading more frequently, or learning a musical instrument. 

    Meanwhile, someone with a low EQ may read literature about complex characters or take the time to recognize and name their own emotions more regularly. In either case, understanding your score may spur positive personal growth.

    Intelligence and emotional intelligence can determine success in different aspects of life. For example, higher IQ scores are generally associated with more success academically, higher salaries, increased job performance, and healthy lifestyles.

    Does Emotional Intelligence or IQ Matter More?

    Many experts argue that intelligence and emotional intelligence are equally important in different domains. 

    In the workplace, emotional intelligence has become more significant in recent years. However, new advances in technology and methodology have reduced the demand for people with high IQs. 

    For example, there is a much smaller demand for people who can quickly complete math problems in their heads. However, many businesses rely on strong interpersonal skills to close deals and form business relationships.

    Researchers also linked high emotional intelligence to having satisfying relationships and recovering more quickly from stress. 

    In many other aspects, high IQ scores are still more beneficial. Generally, students with higher IQs have more success in school. 

    Their problem-solving skills are also more advanced, which is helpful in the workforce. In addition, they can learn information more quickly than others, which makes job training more manageable and helps them advance to jobs with higher salaries. 

    How Does Emotional Intelligence Impact the Workplace?

    Several companies now require applicants to complete an emotional intelligence test before receiving a job offer. High emotional intelligence typically indicates increased leadership skills and overall happiness among employees. 

    New research suggests that employees with lower emotional intelligence attract more conflict, decreased job performance, and high turnover in the workplace. Meanwhile, hiring people with high emotional intelligence increases job performance, job satisfaction, and employee retention rates across the company.

    What Is IQ vs. EQ vs. SQ vs. AQ?

    Aside from IQ and EQ, an individual’s social quotient (SQ) and adversity quotient (AQ) also factor into their intelligence.

    Individuals with high SQs can build and maintain a social network for long periods. Many people would describe these individuals as charismatic or ‘street smart’ due to their understanding of socialization. 

    AQ scores measure an individual’s ability to stand up to adversity. Those with high AQs are resilient and can face troubles without giving up or losing control. 

    Things to Note About Emotional Intelligence Tests and Intelligence Tests

    Unfortunately, it is challenging to measure intelligence and emotional intelligence. Different factors can affect the tests, such as:

    • Economic Standing
    • Social Inequalities
    • Education Access
    • Childhood Trauma
    • Nutrition and Health
    • Environmental Factors
    • Culture
    • Motivation

    As previously mentioned, IQ and EQ tests paint only a partial picture of intelligence. Experts disagree on how many intelligences exist, but most believe there are more than these two. 

    Finally, it is crucial to note that IQ and EQ tests can negatively impact an individual’s mental health. As a result, those who receive low IQ or EQ scores may assume they are not intelligent, even though many other factors impact their scores, and there are many more types of intelligence. 

    Main Takeaways

    Although IQ and EQ tests measure intelligence, most individuals score differently on each. While IQ tests examine the ability to use logic, language, mathematical skills, and problem-solving, EQ tests focus on identifying emotions, empathy, impulse control, and communication skills. 

    IQ tests benefit students with learning differences the most, while EQ tests are standard in the workplace. However, each type of intelligence is crucial in different aspects of daily life, and the two are equally important.

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