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    Study: These are LinkedIn’s Most Effective Post Types for 2022

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    A study by Socialinsider and Cloud Campaign shows that native documents, videos, infographics, pictures, and blog posts are the top four LinkedIn post types most effective for 2022. 

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    According to the study, LinkedIn users want to engage with potential job seekers, generate B2B leads, and build brand awareness through their posts. Native documents generate three times more clicks, and video posts increase impression rates. Additionally, infographics are highly effective, while blog posts are high-authority resources for diverse topics. 

    Native Documents

    Native documents are PDF files uploaded directly onto a LinkedIn page post. Each PDF shows as a block that LinkedIn users can swipe through when on the platform via their smartphones. This feature makes it easier to download only the PDF file(s) they want. 

    You get three more clicks opting for a native document post than you would choose another LinkedIn post type. Because of this, 80% of B2B leads are generated from LinkedIn versus leads lower than 20% on Facebook and Twitter. 


    Video posts create the most engagement for each impression rate across smaller and mid-sized LinkedIn accounts. 

    Visual appeal is crucial when building brand awareness. Sure, people can skim through a blog post, but as the old saying goes: “Seeing is believing.” Sprinkle in video posts throughout your LinkedIn page to reinforce engagement and break up the text posts in between when someone scrolls through your professional profile or company page. 

    LinkedIn is for more than reaching job seekers and generating B2B leads. Maybe professionals in the field and job seekers may see one of your product posts and become interested in your product line. As a result, this becomes a benefitting sale where they may seek employment or a business partnership after purchase.

    A study shows that native documents, videos, infographics, pictures, and blog posts are the top four LinkedIn post types.

    Infographics, Pictures, and Blog Posts

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Of course, when you post an image or infographic on LinkedIn, accompany it with at least a 1-3 sentence description for context purposes. 

    Pictures evoke emotion, but they can also tell a story. Try a simple image with a one-sentence description and a few hashtags so people can form their own opinion about your product. 

    When posting an infographic, be sure the text and pictures weigh each other out in perfect harmony. Reassure viewers are not reading too much text or viewing too many photos without proper context. 

    Blog posts are digestible written pieces that anyone can skim due to the many headings and subheadings. When people want to learn new information, they will more likely read a high-authority blog post concerning the subject. 

    For the best results, place a link to the blog post in a regular text post. To enhance engagement further, add a stock photo related to the blog post to encourage readers to click on the link even more. 

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      Final Thoughts

      When planning your LinkedIn posts, opt for more native document types and short videos as they engage your followers the most. Sprinkle in blog posts when you want to teach something new. Photos and graphics help to build a discussion with followers. 

      Source: Social Media Today

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