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    Google’s Ads Editor Gets a Boost with Release of Version 2.1

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    Google Ads Editor Version 2.1 has a colorful new format and thirteen features, including recommendations, warning dialogues, and custom questions for lead forms. The upgrade builds on the March release of Google’s Ads Editor Version 2.0 and gives some new options for users managing ad campaigns. 

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    Google released its Google Ads Editor Version 2.1 on July 7, 2022. Additionally, they released Google Ads Editor Version 2.0 in March 2020 to support Performance Max Campaigns. The upgraded Version 2.1 software has the following new features:

    1. Table Header Recommendations – The Google Ads Editor Version 2.1 now gives users a list of recommendations applicable to the item in the toolbar above the main table. This change allows advertisers to see the offers in a prominent position quickly.
    2. Primary Display Status – The Primary Display Status (PDS) gives users more information about their ad campaigns. It may include reasons explaining an ad campaign’s performance.
    3. Overview Recommendation Cards – Overview recommendation cards are now available for top recommendations, asset performance, and asset group status.
    4. Recommendations – Google added support for more recommendation types, including:
    • Set a target ROAS to capture upcoming traffic increases
    • Set a target CPA
    • Upgrade local campaigns to Performance Max


    Google Ads Editor Version 2.1 has a colorful new format and thirteen features, including recommendations, warning dialogues, and custom questions for lead forms.

    1. Warning Dialogue for Cross-Account Copy-Paste – Previously, if Google Ads Editor users copied data from one account and pasted it into another, the software would automatically drop any content or data non-applicable to the new account. With this update, the software now gives a detailed warning list of all the information it would typically delete. 
    2. Validate Assigned Budget or Bid Strategy – Google Ads Editor now shows an error message when an ad campaign uses a shared budget but not the associated portfolio bid strategy and vice versa. 
    3. Video-Drive Conversion Campaigns with Shopping – Google Ads Editor now supports Product Feed and product groups for Video-Drive Conversions campaigns. The Product Feed is the shopping section of the software. 
    4. Final UR Expansion – Google added support for Final URL Expansion in Max Performance Campaigns.
    5. Initial View on Startup – Users can now select the screen they want to see on start-up or when opening a new window. You can choose overview, campaigns, or the previously open view.
    6. Global Offers – In shopping for Shopping and Performance Max Campaigns, users can make the country of sale optional and include support for an optional feed label. 

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      1. Lead Form Revisions – Google Ad Editor 2.1 allows users to write free-form, custom text instead of a predefined set of questions. It also allows any age between 18-65 for the “Are you over X years of age” question. Previously, the three options were 18, 21, and 25.
      2. Lead Form Extensions at Account Level – Users can now attach lead form questions at the account level and disable them at the campaign level. 
      3. Budget Explorer – Google Ad Editor 2.1 now gives three possible budgets when it makes suggestions in the edit pane and offers potential stats improvements. 

      With these new helpful features and upgrades, users managing ad campaigns will have a lot to work with. If you’re just beginning with Google Ads and want to check out these features, take a look at How to Create a Google Ads Account to get started.

      Source: Search Engine Land 

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