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    Google’s Discovery Ads Announces Several New Tools

    Ad PlatformsGoogle AdsMarketingMarketing News

    Everything You Need To Know In Less Than 50 Words

    Discovery ads will offer layouts that are familiar to your potential customers. Google wants to create a rich ad experience that adds to consumers’ consumption; rather than distracts from it annoyingly. Product carousels, lead forms, and portrait layouts can integrate into a person’s daily feed without seeming intrusive. 

    Tell Me More

    Google’s platforms are popular among virtually everyone. Consumers are scrolling their feeds, checking different sites constantly. Between YouTube, Discover, and Gmail, Google feeds are preferred by up to 78% of users for personalized information. Google is here to help you with four new tools to help your advertising.

    With consumers increasing their screen time over the end of summer vacations and going into the holiday season, it’s pivotal to get their attention to market your products. But you don’t want to do that in a ham handed way. 

    Google believes that story-driven setups are more likely to inspire reluctant customers to try something new, bringing added value to them.

    Gmail Socials and Promotions tab can enhance ad experiences by adding product images and prices. Machine learning will help match your products to the consumers who want to buy them, making this a valuable improvement.

    Ad Strength

    Ad strength is one of Discovery Ads tools to help guide your ad creation. As you’re putting together your campaign, ad strength will give you ratings from “Poor” to “Excellent” to help determine how to focus your budget.

    Optimization Score

    The optimization score will offer an overview of actionable guidance when you’re creating your campaign. It will give you a score of 0 to 100%, telling you how well your ad will perform. Of course, 100% is the fullest potential of your ad.

    Audience Insights

    Audience insights are the tool that will help you see which audience segments will deliver the most return on investment for your business. You can pair this tool with asset reporting and optimized targeting to truly expand the number of customers you’re attempting to reach.  

    After engaging with the previous tools, you’ll be able to create a repeatable campaign with the audience builder. With this, you’ll be able to re-use your audience strategy across different campaigns. 

    Future with Discovery Ads

    Overall, Discovery Ads can potentially bring ad campaigns to the next level. These tools give creators a wealth of options to create with. As a result, your ads won’t need to be one-dimensional, dull, or blindly seek an audience.

    Your ads can be engaging, compelling, and reach who you want them to. An important takeaway from all of this is that you’ll be able to craft repeatable results. Your campaigns won’t need to be one and done but something you can finely tune and use in the future.

    Google has a few more resources that you can check out, such as their best practices guide and their creative guide. Just a few more tools to get you started and present your ad campaigns to a whole new audience of consumers. 

    Source: Google

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